Monday, September 14, 2009


“My doctor told me to stop eating red meat because it’s bad for me.”
“I stopped eating red meat because I read/heard its bad for me.”

Are these statements True or just LIES??
These statements have some truth but are mostly just a LIE! I hear the above statements almost weekly in practice. To me the biggest disappointment is when Medical and Chiropractic Physicians, physician's assistants, physical therapists, and or dietitians say these things to their patients and don’t explain why. Imagine enjoying the succulent taste of a nutritional steak that is healthier for you than Fish or CHICKEN!!

Why should, or should we not eat hamburgers, steak, roast (red meat)? Below I will explain why you should eat nutritious red meat and how it will add active, pain free years to your life.

Eating grass-fed and finished bison (American buffalo), chicken, beef as well as other wild game meats is a smart way to improve your health. Why? For many reasons; the most important reason being the high Omega-3 content which contributes to brain, heart and joint health by decreasing inflammation. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” I find most people refer to health as “I’m not sick or in pain, therefore, I’m healthy.” Not True. If this was the case, wouldn’t all cancer patients go to the doctors once the first cell turns cancerous?

Chronic and whole body inflammation, due to diet, is linked with most of today’s medically debilitating ailments, Back and joint aches and PAINS, HEART ATTACKS (#1 KILLER), heart arrhythmias, cancers, tumors, Multiple Sclerosis, Rheumatoid and Osteoarthritis, diabetes, acne, scar tissue formation, and so on. Time Magazine referred to inflammation in 2004 as the, “Secret KILLER” (February issue). 
Research by American Heart Association’s, “Lyon Diet Heart Study,” was being carried out to see if Omega 3 (good fats) would decrease the risk of; 1. Cardiac death and nonfatal heart attacks: 2. Heart beating problem, stroke, heart failure and lung or limb clots: 3. All of these plus events that made people go to the hospital. Devastating results were concluded! Participates in the study that incorporated the Omega-3 fats in their diet were showing a 70% lower risk of the medical ailments in 1, 2, and 3 above!! Control group (not getting Omega-3 supplements) were dying and having recurrent heart attacks in such large numbers that research authors felt it was ethically their job to have the control participant’s start taking omega-3 fats. I too feel you should have this life saving information and don’t want you to become the control group.
Some of the leanest, melt-in-your-mouth, nutritionally-dense steaks come from animals that are hunted (deer, elk, etc.), or animals that are free range/grass-fed and grass-FINISHED. All other steaks are full of DEADLY inflammatory fats and have less nutritional value.

Why does the meat have to be wild game, or grass fed and finished to be healthy and stop back pain?

The quick answer is seen below in the charted information from the United States Department of

Agriculture (USDA).
Serving Size 100grams (Medium size burger)
Ground Beef
Ground Beef (lean)
Energy (Kcal)
Protein (grams)
Fat (Total)
Cholesterol (mg)
Iron (mg)
Magnesium (mg)
Sodium (mg)
Potassium (mg)
Zinc (mg)

I’d like you to focus on the fat, sodium and potassium content between bison and regular grain-fed beef.  Has anyone ever told you to decrease the amount of salt you use? Too much salt is bad for you, and look how much is in the grain fed BEEF and you didn’t even add any salt yet!! Human body only needs 500mg per day.

Most livestock in the U.S. are fed a grain-based diet for 3 reasons: 1) More livestock on less land, 2) Cheaper to buy grains, 3) Increases slaughter weight and Profit for livestock owner. The money the farmer saves buying grains to feed the animal is at our health expense. Grain feeding the animals costs us thousands of dollars in health care expenses, days off work because of illness, Headaches all day, joint pain, decreased life expectancy, I think you get the point.  It is optimal for these animals (and us) to feed on what would be present in their natural environment, such as wild grass and plants.

“We are what we eat,” doesn’t just apply to humans. When animals are fed inflammatory (back pain) grains, vegetable oils and corn their whole lives, the meat itself is now a SUPER condensed form of inflammatory oil, grains and corn. When we add condensed grain-corn fed inflammatory meat to our dinner plate with a side of inflammation (rolls, bread, rice, processed food, etc.) and another side of corn, you and your family are on the fast track to an inflammatory disease.

Inflammatory chemicals made due to our diet are regulated by the Omega 3:6 fat ratios in our bodies. Omega-3 fats are anti-inflammatory and stop back pain, joint pain, arthritis and more. Omega-6 fats (found in grains, vegetable oils) drive our biochemical production of inflammation. This leaves us popping anti-inflammatory pills, such as Motrin, Aspirin, Ibuprofen, and Advil, to slow the inflammation process. These anti-inflammatory drugs have negative side effects. A diet consisting of these grain fed meats, processed foods, chips, and granola bars lead us to be increasingly inflamed and prone for injuries.

North Dakota State University reports meats of domesticated animals have 25 to 30 percent fat while the average fat content of wild game animals is only 4.3 percent. Not only is the quantity of fat lower in game meats, but the quantity is also healthier. Fat from wild game contains a much higher proportion of polyunsaturated fatty acids (good Omega – 3 fats) and is lower in saturated fat.

Everyone has different allowances and limitations for their food expenses. With this in mind, I recommend you start looking for any grass-fed and grass-finished meats in your local area. This will help cut down shipping costs and help drive the price in your area down. I practice in Raleigh, North Carolina and there are local farmers, farmer’s markets, and grocery stores that sell grass-fed beef which is much healthier than the beef that can be found in most grocery stores. Bison is also very convenient to order online and will be shipped right to your front door. The site I order from has bison that is grass fed and finished.

You have the power to help yourself, and your family, avoid the risk of debilitating ailments, along with already diagnosed problems, just by choosing the right foods next time you go to the grocery store. Imagine how good it will feel to help your son or daughter with their ACNE just by cooking an anti-inflammatory dinner.
How much is that worth to you?
Next week Monday look for new information.

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